Once More Into The Breach

Spring will happen. I am certain of this. Will it greet us like a lion or lamb? Of that, I am not so sure. I am hopeful, however, that this spring, my granddaughter will have a break from attending her online classes at her makeshift school desk and the computer just off the family kitchen. Come May (should the medical profession allow), she will get to participate in exuberant fresh air soccer games with her liberated, giggling- under- their- masks new teammates.
Grandma and grandpa, double-masked and vaccinated, will watch from a distance and cheer her every move.  We don’t care what position she plays or if she scores and will not react in alarm if she trips and skins her knees. We recall fondly those frenetic weekends spent years ago with our three children at their soccer events, sometimes watching two games at one time on a massive field of colorful shirts and shin pads. We were anxious, enthusiastic supporters at the time. I plead guilty to excessive exuberance.
Now we anticipate seeing sportsmanship, leadership, compassion, and camaraderie on display in the park but also in the folding chair occupants and standing crowd along the sidelines. Years have made me certain parents can send silent and sometimes mighty loud positive and negative signals at the same time.
Of course, our eyes will be laser focused on our granddaughter, but from time to time we’ll check out her parents to ascertain the behaviors they display. My hope is my husband and I will feel rewarded we were good role models for the next generation. I think we will get a clear picture of what kinds of role models we were.  As the saying goes, what goes around comes around.
 It should be the GOAL of every parent to model appropriate behavior on and off the field, in the classroom or on the computer in the kitchen. As the child competes, the parents and grandparents must observe and constructively support while we vicariously participate.
Everyone has seen or heard that mom, the overly enthusiastic parent at kids’ sporting events. This mom, though, takes the cake! (She bakes cookies too!) She should get a blue ribbon for her zeal. However, will Mom’s overboard exuberance be a hit with her son’s coaches, or will it cause her to strike out?

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